Solar Power

Solar power for Serco’s Durban factory

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A total of 1029 solar power panels have been installed on the roof of truck and trailer building company Serco’s Durban factory and offices allowing the premises to be off the grid during the day.

The R5m solar installation is part of Serco’s drive to reduce its impact on the environment and goes hand in hand with other company  ‘’greening initiatives” including the  recycling of paper and plastic it uses. It also complements the elevated environmental friendliness of the company’s award-winning Protec Steel Frostliner refrigerated vehicles which through improved thermal efficiency use less diesel to power their cooler units thus reducing carbon emissions.

Serco CEO Clinton Holcroft said the solar power switch over happened earlier this month providing full power to the premises during the day with a switch back onto the grid at night when far less electricity was required.

Holcroft said apart from the environmental friendliness of the new system, solar power also made good economic sense.

“The installation of solar power panels was a fairly big investment for us but we are confident of the long terms benefits it will bring,” said Holcroft.

The solar power system was installed by The Renewable Resources Company whose Technical Director Jason Wise, said the 400kw peak system had the potential to save Serco up to 75% of its electricity costs.

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This edition

Issue 39
