Search results for solar energy

Zeroth Energy Why sunshine people are happy people
Ok so you hear a lot about the Sun being bad for you, sun blisters, sun burn and worst of all skin cancer are all said to be a result of over exposure to the sun, but let’s
05 Feb 2019
Zeroth: Can I save on my electricity costs? The answer to the question, as Barack Obama would put it, is a resounding YES YOU CAN!
We doubt that we need to explain the numerous benefits of ‘going solar’, but through answering the question, we will touch on some of them. Suffice to say, in a
21 Jan 2019
How solar power is changing lives in Africa The unrivaled, life-changing power of solar energy: battling climate change and accelerating socio-economic development
In June 2018, Bouake, the second largest city of Cote d’Ivoire, suffered its first-ever shutdown of domestic water supply. The country’s dammed lake, which supplies 70
24 Oct 2018
Solar Energy Solar energy generation exceeds expectations in 2016.
Western Cape-based consumers and businesses with solar installations have seen a substantial surge in their energy production in the past year, further reducing reliance on the
07 Feb 2017
SELECTING SOLAR PRODUCER Factors to consider when selecting a PV solar producer
The regular occurrence of power outages which have been on-going since 2008, and the more recent load shedding that took place in early March, coupled with the increasing
05 Jun 2014
SOLAR ENERGY SA farmers to benefit from converting to solar energy
Eskom's 8% average increase of energy prices per annum over the next five years, petrol price hikes, the increase of farmworkers' minimum wage, as well as the e-tolling
16 May 2014
Solar energy solutions Bankability is key to growth
The South African sun shines brightly for most of the year, providing the ideal setting for the predicted growth of the photovoltaic energy market in the country
02 Oct 2013 - A. C.
Renewable energy Droogfontein solar power energisation commences early
The Droogfontein Solar Power project is set to begin its operations earlier than expected and will coincide with the Transnet's Kimberly line closure.
02 Oct 2013 - T. M.
Solar PV SunCybernertics hosts training
The recently launched SUNCybernetics hosted its first solar photovoltaic (PV) training session at the North West University (NWU) campus’ Solar Training Centre of South Africa
02 Oct 2013 - Y. D. L.
Sun energy powers community hospital Community healthcare centre experiences the potential of solar
SolarWorld Africa, by way of its distribution partner Solek Renewable Energy Engineers, has supplied a solar electricity system to the Mitchells Plain District Hospital in the Western Cape
20 Jun 2013 - R. P.


This edition

Issue 39
